Thursday, May 26, 2011

Exercising at Home VS Elsewhere....

I have heard/read where people will say.... "You don't need to join a gym, you can do everything at home!"

Ah, no, that statement is NOT accurate for everyone... oh it might work for some folks but, I so dislike big, broad bushes *if you haven't noticed that by now* lol!

Consider this... if something works for weight loss, will it work for everyone?

Not always, it depends on what is behind the statement.  A lifestyle change, yes, it will work for everyone BUT, it has to be TAILOR FIT to the INDIVIDUAL! for that to happen.

What works for me, might not work for you... who knows you better?  YOU know you best.

Are you the type of person who can be disciplined at home to work out everyday, not get distracted, if that is what is required of you?  *Is that crickets I hear?*

Consider the computer and your personal usage... can you just walk away from it, shut it off or do you find yourself saying... I'll just check my e-mail... and an hour later where are you?

Then working out at home, might not be for you.

NOT joining a gym is NOT for everyone.

If you have stairs in your house, you CAN use those to help with your exercise program but, eventually one of two things will happen... You will hit a wall, no not literally lol!! A wall where running those stairs becomes a "routine" and your body will get use to it, and you will no longer see the benefits from it.  Oh you can use them and get benefits but, part of that will require you to know how to change it up.

For example... starting out, you might be winded when you get to the top... setting a goal to get there without being winded might be a starting point.  After this becomes easy, speed running up while timing yourself... and then two steps at a time.

The Downfall... literally, you are more likely to injure yourself at home, trying to "run" the stairs to get fit, then you would in a gym full of equipment.

And another point...

You want your "landmarks" to be measurable.  Not just on the scale or a tape measure, I'm talking about Fitness Landmarks, like I mentioned before, your heartfit level.  Does it take less beats per minute to do the same thing you did 4 weeks ago?

Working out at home, with no accurate way to measure such, won't help.

Do you have to join a gym? 

The Simple Answer, as I said before is NO, you do not.  You CAN purchase some equipment that you can use at home that will help you to set goals and measure your progress. OR you can use what is around you...

For example, do you have an outdoor track in a local park?  A Baseball Diamond with benches?

You can walk/run the track with a measurable progress and you can use the benches for stairs, doing each seat as a step and if possible, eventually moving to every second one which is quite a workout!

So remember what you have in your area and how you can use it, even trails through the city, you can walk/roller-blade/run them.

There are other tools that can help you as well.

One such tool is a "Polar Heart Rate Monitor"... there are all kinds out there now, including some that are sold at WalMart that are good.  The best ones have a chest strap and a monitor that looks like a wrist watch. There are some that actually will download the information into your computer to make it easy to track but, be warned, they can be pricey!  Walmart has a no name one that you can change the batteries in yourself, top of the line with them will run you $60 plus Tax Canadian and in my opinion, it will be one of the BEST $$ you can spend.  This tool can be used for "Heart Fit Training" as well as just monitoring your progress.

You can get "stretch bands" and "free weights" along with the charts on how to use them, if you search out the net there is a ton of free information on "form" and "movement" to obtain the best results and the least amount of injury.

There are also "Kettle Bells" which are a GREAT workout *KILL YOU* and are used in many "Boot Camp" type workouts today.  You can also purchase DVD's that can guide you on the use and workout to an instructor in your own home.

When the weather is good, WALKING or BIKING or HIKING are great forms of exercise!  Don't forget the water and a snack to refuel if its going to be a long one.

BUT!!!!  Yes, here comes the BUT!

For some people, there are way too many distractions in or around the house to have the time to workout there too.

AND for THESE people, I would say, working out at home is NOT an option unless you are going to hire a personal trainer to come in and train you.

I use to do this, I had a treadmill (manual) that would fold down and fit in my trunk, I had tubbing, rubber bands, weighted balls etc... all the goodies that I could come into your house and torture you for 40-45 minutes 3 times a week.

So there are trainers out there that will do that with you.


YOU know YOU, you know what you will or will not do... don't let anyone convince you otherwise, cause it can end up in another failed attempt and you throw in the towel and gain MORE weight.

I am all for Support Systems!  having people encourage you is a great thing!! BUT, make sure it is NOT a crutch, that if it is NOT there, you won't stop.

It only takes putting your head down and making a plan for TODAY to get started, TOMORROW will take care of itself!! One day at a time, One step at a time, One meal at a time and One exercise program at a time.

Every night before you go to bed, grab your journal, plan your meals for the next day, plan your workout and what time and then do it!!!

If you DON'T have a plan.... think about a builder who says he is going to build a house, he has some wood, some bricks and some cement blocks... some shingles, some windows and doors... if he does NOT have a solid workable plan... The house "might" get built but, it will never withstand a storm!!!


You can do it!!!

Next, we will put a LOT of this into perspective and actual steps. ♥ 

Get moving!! & have a great day!! ♥

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