Wednesday, March 23, 2011

FEAST OR FAMINE ---> Rebellion of the Body

One of the things I think is vital to any individual for success and this statement kinda goes across the board...

How the heck did I get here???

Now like I said, that can apply to a lot of things in life but, for some of us, it seems like, one day I was 118lbs soak 'n wet, the next I was over 200lbs!!! *Hand Raised*

Well, how many of us did the Famine Diets? or Starvation Diets! Eat nothing all day, then have a small dinner, go to the clubs and dance all night OR eat something for breakfast, exist on coffee all day, then eat something and go to the club and dance the night away. OR like some of the girls in the gyms where I worked... they taught Aerobic Classes...

Grab whatever in the morning to eat, get to the gym and teach back to back classes then head out or to the counter to get a.... SALAD!!!!

On average I think these girls lived on air and about 500 calories a day!!!

So what happens? For one, the latest research shows (Dr Mercola) that scaring of the Heart takes place, which is irreversible heart damage.

And then there is what I call... the Feast or Famine Rebellion of the Body. Its like the body-snatchers came in over night, took your cute little body and dropped this alien body over your bones while you were sleeping!!!

Well in truth... we actually taught our bodies to do MORE ON LESS... so, we ate less, the body actually slowed down the metabolism to match the caloric intake closer, as to not starve to death. And then when we DID eat... because we were pregnant, got married, didn't care etc... blump, blump, blump!!! Hips, thighs and junk in your trunk!!! lol! Ya baby it all showed up!!

And its not like we sat down in front of the refrigerator and ate for 10 hours a day!!! NO!! lol!! we just ate three times a day, maybe a little something like a muffin in the afternoon or a couple of cookies.. and OH then we sat still at night, instead of clubbing and started to watch TV, and everyone knows!!! chips and popcorn are best eaten while watching something!!! lol!

And FOOD began to LOOK and TASTE better than we ever remembered!!! YES IT DID because we weren't eating it back then!! LOL!! :oP

Here's a little story I like to use to illustrate a point...

Back in those days where we "starved" ourselves... its like there was a Famine in the Land... so we had to get to Egypt where all the gain was! So we walked and we walked and we walked, getting skinnier and skinnier...

Then once we arrived! WE ARRIVED!! there was food everywhere!!! so we sat down and enjoyed! and enjoyed and enjoyed!

One day, we went back home, no longer desiring to eat and eat, so we started on that journey back, losing weight as we journeyed back!

But, the brain remembers Egypt, all the delectable treats!! all the goodies, all the food and the abundance!!! so, what does the brain do?

It kicks up a memory in the area of the taste buds... OMG!! I can taste a cream puff with chocolate topping!!! And yet, when you look around, there is NONE to be found!! And then we go back to Egypt...

This is a vicious cycle... its call D I E T I N G!!!

We deprive ourselves of the garbage or even good things and eat salad and crackers for 6 months cause we are getting married or we are in Sally and Joe's wedding or we want to lose that baby weight.

For ME, I DID the anorexic thing for years, then I did the drugs, alcohol and dancing but, eat a large pizza to yourself... for years and years... and it has take a toll.

My body does not trust me any more now. So what do I do?

I start moving, the amount that I KNOW is going to work for me... I feed my body REAL FOOD, GOOD FOOD in the right amount so it knows, you CAN trust me again... I take a supplement that the Doctor has told me is good for me and I don't look for "instant" results or "compliments" and I remember...

I remember the time I was in the best shape of my life... I remember how hard I worked out, I remember how often I ate, I remember how good it felt to literally feel the strength of my body under me... I remember... and that is my goal... to EXPERIENCE what I remember again by using the right tools and methods to obtain it.

Remember... Anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit AND habits can be broken, 5-6 Weeks it becomes a Routine and Routines need to have some flexibility in them in order to obtain a way of life, if its too rigid, you fail. And it takes 2 years to make a Life-Style a Way of Life!

The one thing that I KNOW I have going for me other than the education/experience... is called Muscle Memory... if we ever workout and got into good shape... the muscle remembers and will respond to appropriate stimulation.

I am counting on it!!! ♥

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